[飲みたい新着酒 #060:吉田蔵u 石川門 貴醸酒 +A for UA]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.


手取川 吉田蔵u 石川門 貴醸酒 +A for UNITED ARROWS

UAことUnited Arrowsで、Tシャツもポロシャツも買ったことがない、自称・飲み手代表の今井です。

正式な名称は「吉田蔵 u 石川門 貴醸酒 +A for UNITED ARROWS」

+Aは酸を意味するAcidity:アシディティ。つまり、酸が多い、酸味が強いということ。だから、United Arrowsのお客様を考えた飲みやすい仕立てになっているということ。

でも、何歳までがUnited Arrowsのお世話になっているんだろう。



ちょうど八王子まつりだから、そんな女の子にであると良いですね。私の記憶の中ではNHKの「京都人の密かな愉しみ~BLUE~」に出ていた俳優・吉岡 里帆って感じかな。

積極的に日本酒にアプローチを掛けているUnited Arrowsです。あなたもぜひこの機会にお試しください。

吉田酒造店(Yoshidashuzouten Brewery)

I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed representative drinker at United Arrows, who has never bought a T-shirt or a polo shirt.

The official name is “Yoshidakura u Ishikawamon Kijoshu +A for UNITED ARROWS”.

+A stands for Acidity. In other words, it means that it has a lot of acidity or a strong sour taste. That’s why it’s made to be easy to drink for United Arrows customers.

But I wonder up to what age people are taking care of United Arrows.

I like the taste of the sake itself. The faint aroma and the plumpness just when you think it’s full, and the acidity turns around, making it a nice smooth taste and then it quietly disappears.

Rather than a lady who looks good in a kimono, it feels like a slightly energetic girl in a yukata.

It’s right around the time of the Hachioji Festival, so it would be good for girls like that. In my memory, she reminds me of Riho Yoshioka, the actress who appeared in “The Secret Pleasures of Kyoto BLUE (Le Charme discret des ges de Kyoto)” by NHK.

United Arrows is actively approaching sake. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #吉田酒造店 #吉田蔵U #石川門米 #united_arrows #acidity_sake #吉岡里帆 #京都人の密かな愉しみblue #dericioussakeclub #yoshidagura_u #yoshidashuzouten_brewery #ishikawa_sake
