[飲みたい新着酒 #013:舞美人 酒粕再発酵 山廃純米酒 MYVY]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

美川酒造場の秘蔵酒 MYVY(まいびー)

舞美人 酒粕再発酵 山廃純米酒 MYVY






This is Imai from the Delicious Sake Club, who is starting to feel the autumn breeze from Mt. Takao.

There are many kinds of “unusual Japanese sake” in the world.

This Japanese sake is one of them.

[Excerpt from Mikawa Sake Brewery website]
This popular sake is almost sold out every year, with some customers waiting for over a year.
It is a sake with a strong personality like no other, but it has a dark color and a sweet and sour taste with a burnt bitterness, and it has an interesting taste like the sauce for mitarashi dango. We hope you enjoy it.

Can you imagine? This is the one thing that surpasses human knowledge. The taste of richness and sweetness will either attract you or turn you away.

There are many people at our store who are fascinated by this alcohol. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #美川酒造場 #myvy #酒粕再発酵 #dericioussakeclub #mikawabrewery #re-fermentation #unusualsake #umami
