[飲みたい新着酒 #023:仙禽 雪だるま]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

異常気象により減産を余儀なくされた「仙禽 雪だるま」

仙禽 雪だるま







Lately, I have felt that I am being supported by more and more people. My name is Imai and I am a self-proclaimed drinking representative.

This summer was the hottest on record. As a result, various abnormal situations have been confirmed at rice cultivation sites.

There are no fruits, the grains are small, and the rice does not melt. I can hear it coming from warehouses all over the place.

Sengokuzo was one of the first to make a decision, but they said they reduced the production volume of the snowmen pictured in an effort to maintain quality.

Therefore, it can be said that there are fewer opportunities to eat it. In other words, if you have a chance to try it, we recommend that you have one cup first.

We have included it as a “sake eligible for the tasting club”, so please take this opportunity to enjoy it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #仙禽雪だるま #雪だるま #せんきん #季節限定酒 #にごり酒 #dericioussakeclub #senkin #senkinbrewery # #yukidaruma #snowmansake
