[飲みたい新着酒 #025:桂月 超辛口 特別純米酒 60 生酒]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

まだある、私たちが知らない蔵元「桂月 超辛口 特別純米酒 60」

桂月 超辛口 特別純米酒 60








I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed drinking beer representative who regrets that there are sakes that are not well known.

Speaking of Kochi, it is Yosakoi Bushi and Katsurahama. Katsurahama is also a famous moon spot. There is also a Chinese poem called Ohmachi Keigetsu that celebrates this beautiful moon. However, I’ll leave you to find out for yourself…

I quite like it. I like this taste. It’s crisp and firm, giving you a sense of thickness, and it goes down the throat nicely and has a nice aftertaste.

A brewery that carefully brews by hand in small quantities using rice grown in terraced rice fields. Maybe that flavor is oozing out.

A good job is one that doesn’t have a plan. I don’t think it’s a job where you look after the creation itself, whether you’re making money or being good at it.

The flavor comes from the careful and painstaking preparation that goes into it. In other words, it may be one that has been honed.

If you have a chance to come across one, please try it without any complaints. Maybe you’ll find out how good it is.

(Whatever, I thought to myself, It’s a pain that it’s becoming harder to obtain.)

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #桂月 #超辛口 #特別純米酒 #iwcsilvermedal #土佐酒造 #dericioussakeclub #keigetsu #tosabrewery #tokubetsujunmai #terracedricefields #OhmachiKeigetsu
