[飲みたい新着酒 #049:開春 純米生酛 四段仕込み 九夏三伏]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

夏を愛でる酒「開春 純米生酛 四段仕込み 九夏三伏」

開春 純米生酛 四段仕込み 九夏三伏








This is Imai from the Delicious Sake Club, which supports Japanese sake lovers.

Kyuka Sanpuku refers to the particularly hot summer of the 90 days of hot summer.

There is nothing humans can do about the hot summer weather. Therefore, it has the meaning of embracing the summer and brewing sake to enjoy the hot summer.

Judging from the four-stage Kimoto method, you can imagine that it has a sweet and sour taste. That was me last year.

It was only after I finished drinking that I realized that the sweet and sour taste created by Takumi was to help us survive this hot summer. So, I had no hesitation in purchasing it again this year.

I want you to have that experience too. Also, I would like you to expand your view of Japanese sake. Please take this opportunity to try it out.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #開春酒造 #島根酒 #九夏三伏 #生酛四段仕込み #dericioussakeclub #kaishun_brewery #kyuukasanpuku #shimanesake
