[飲みたい新着酒 #054:仙禽 オーガニック・ナチュールW 2024 貴醸酒]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

旨し貴醸酒「仙禽 オーガニック・ナチュールW 2024 貴醸酒」

仙禽 オーガニック・ナチュールW 2024 貴醸酒








Enoki Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (the first brewery in Japan to produce Kijoshu)

I’m Imai from the Oishii Sake Club, a favorite of drunkards who ask for warm sake on a hot day.

First of all, if you want to call it Kijoshu, you have to be a member of the Kijoshu Association. Otherwise, it will be called “saijo-shikomi,” “sanrui-joshu,” or “jojo.”

The way Kijoshu is made is to use sake instead of water for the tome-shikomi (addition). However, while it is no longer Kijoshu, some breweries use shochu instead of sake, which creates an interesting flavor, so look for this.

This Senkin is an organic Kijoshu made with vintage organic nature. Kame-no-o rice is grown organically, 90% polished, completely additive-free, and brewed in wooden barrels.

Is it because of the brewing method that makes you want to say, “That’s so troublesome!” that it tastes like this? I’m endlessly curious as to what kind of “troublesome!” it takes to get this flavor.

It has an alcohol content of 14% and is made from undiluted sake, so it is truly amazing that they were able to create this flavor without adding water or making any other adjustments.

I would recommend the pineapple, but since it is the season, I wanted to try pairing it with white peach. That is what this sake is all about. The sweetness is quiet and clean. It is a finish that challenges the prejudice that Kijoshu = sweet sake = like KATZ. Please take this opportunity to try it yourself.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #仙禽 #栃木酒 #貴醸酒 #オーガニックナチュール #dericioussakeclub #senkin #organic_nature #tochigi_sake
