[飲みたい新着酒 #066:御前酒 NINE the final]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

220年の歴史と16年の集大成となった「御前酒 NINE the final」






白ワインを彷彿とさせる果実の香り、蜜のような甘さと軽やかな酸味、13度とは思えないしっかりとしたボディ感、今までの御前酒に無い、未来を感じさせる味わいに仕上がりました。[From Web site]


これまでに大いに楽しませてくれた素晴らしい味わいの集大成となるこの1本を当店のお客様と分かち合えればと思っています。ありがとうございました、辻 麻衣子杜氏。

御前酒 NINE the final発売のお知らせ
御前酒 NINE the final 紹介ページ

I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed sake lover who completely forgot about this column last week.

There is something common to all crafts. That is, “everything is a passing phase.” In other words, it is “endless.”

When does it end? Perhaps it is when the spirit of inquiry disappears and ambition is lost. In a sense, this can be called the philosophy of the toji.

“NINE” began 16 years ago. By repeatedly honing our skills and updating our way of thinking, we have improved the taste to what it is today. This year marks a turning point in the brewery’s 220-year history, and we have decided to put an end to it by refining our skills.

The fruity aroma reminiscent of white wine, the honey-like sweetness and light acidity, a solid body that you wouldn’t expect from a 13% alcohol content, and a taste that makes you feel the future, unlike any other Gozenshu before. [From Web site]

Imagine what it should be and work hard toward it. Perhaps something that cannot be overcome by the manufacturing method or environment alone made us think this way.

I hope to share this bottle, which is the culmination of the wonderful flavors that have so far delighted us, with our customers. Thank you, Toji Maiko Tsuji.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #辻本店 #御前酒 #nine #the_final #岡山県産雄町米 #岡山酒 #dericioussakeclub #tsuji_honten #gozenshu #omachi_rice #220th_anniversary #okayama_sake 
