Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.
10年の蛍雪が育んだ「二兎 純米大吟醸 雄町四十八 うすにごり生」
久しぶりに二兎の登場です。雄町四十八 うすにごり生。10周年記念ラベルで登場。もう10年になるのかと独り時の流れに浸っています。
今回は抜栓後に表情が変わるという話を受けて、どうなるのか、楽しみにしています。つまり、「活きている日本酒の証」とも言える仕上がりになっている、とのこと。燗をつけても楽しめるかも知れません。あなたもぜひこの機会にお試しください。 [2024.11.27]
“There was only one day of autumn,” I couldn’t help but agree with the words. I’m Imai from Oishii Sake Club, a self-proclaimed representative of drinkers. Tomorrow, November 27th (Wednesday), will also be a summer day, so what will happen?
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Nito. Omachi 48 Usu Nigori Nama. Released with a 10th anniversary label. I’m immersed in the flow of time, wondering if it’s been 10 years already.
When I first encountered it, I thought, “What the heck is this?” (C)Y. Matsuda. Under the bold concept of “He who chases two rabbits catches both,” Nito has overcome difficult challenges such as “flavor and aroma,” “sourness and deliciousness,” “heavy and light,” and “sweet and dry.”
It’s very subtle, like walking a tightrope between buildings, and it’s fun to enjoy the way it balances.
I’m looking forward to seeing what happens this time, as I heard that the expression changes after opening the bottle. In other words, it is a finish that can be said to be “proof of a lively sake.” It may also be enjoyed warm. Please take this opportunity to try it. [2024.11.27]
#おいしい酒倶楽部 #南陽醸造 #花陽浴 #純米大吟醸ザプレミアム #五百万石米 #埼玉酒 #dericioussakeclub #nanyo_brewery #hanaabi #gohyakumangoku #the_premium #saitama_sake