[飲みたい新着酒 #056:竹葉 能登を醸す 純米酒 in 赤武]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

竹葉+赤武の「竹葉 能登を醸す 純米酒 in 赤武」

竹葉 能登を醸す 純米酒 in 赤武









The Noto Peninsula earthquake on New Year’s Day this year is a reality. The reality is that there are still many things that have yet to be resolved. I am Imai, a self-proclaimed representative of drinkers.

The Hosu Sake Brewing Association includes 11 of the 33 breweries that belong to the Ishikawa Prefecture Sake Brewers Association. Most of them were partially or completely destroyed, and Kazuma Sake Brewery in Noto Town was also flooded by the tsunami.

However, we couldn’t waste the Noto rice that our contracted farmers had grown, so we asked various breweries we knew about, gave them a specification document, and had them brew this sake. This is the second of those, brewed by Akabu Sake Brewery.

Although it has the name Takeha, the taste is clearly characteristic of Akabu Sake Brewery. It is “contract brewed” in terms of form, but it is definitely Takeha from Akabu Sake Brewery.

It’s just that each brewer has their own interpretation, and each drinker has their own interpretation.

I have heard that Kazuma Sake Brewery plans to start operating from autumn. In that sense, this will be a one-off Takeha. In that sense, it’s a drink you have to try.

For every glass you drink, 250 yen will be donated. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #竹葉 #赤武 #能登を醸す #委託醸造 #能登半島地震 #数馬酒造 #赤武酒造 #notopeninsula #notoearthquake #dericioussakeclub #chikuha #akabu #iwate_sake
