[飲みたい新着酒 #016:「限定版のTsuchida 99」とは?]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

「私は最強!」と叫んでいる気がするTuchida 99、見参

Tsuchida 99 ★Check out Tuchida 99, who seems to be shouting “I’m the strongest!”

秋上がりと冷やおろしを間違って覚えていないですか? ちょっとあなたのことが心配になった、自称・飲み手代表の今井です。

さて今回は群馬県利根郡川場村にある、添加物を使用しない生酛造りで酒を醸す酒蔵「土田酒造」が醸した”Tsuchida 99”は99%まで麹米を使って仕込んだもの。


「ほぼ麹と水だけで造った日本酒」を自負するだけあって、口に含んだ瞬間、(なんじゃこりゃ!(C)Y.Matsuda:famous actor)と叫びたくなるも、酒を含んでいるから叫べない!

毎年9月9日を『Tsuchida 99の日』と独自に制定しただけのことはあり、土田酒造史上最高クラスの強烈な個性と語るだけのことはある逸品。



Don’t you remember wrongly the term “Maturation in autumn”and “chilled grated”? I’m Imai, and I’m a self-proclaimed drinker’s representative, and I’m a little worried about you.

Now, this time, “Tsuchida 99” is brewed by Tsuchida Sake Brewery, a sake brewery located in Kawaba Village, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture, which uses kimoto (kimoto) making without additives, and is brewed using 99% koji rice.

The taste is a philharmonic of “sweetness and sourness”. The sweet and sour overlap is incredible. I got the impression that there were many floors in a mille-feuille state.

It prides itself on being a “sake made almost entirely with koji and water”, and the moment you put it in your mouth, you want to scream, “What the heck! (C) Y. Matsuda: famous actor!” But it does contain alcohol. I can’t scream from here!

The reason for this is that September 9th of each year has been designated as “Tsuchida 99 Day”, and this is a masterpiece that can be described as one of the best in the history of Tsuchida Sake Brewery.

When you start thinking about what Japanese sake is, you should know that there are other kinds of sake. Let’s talk about the add-on information for this sake at the counter, LOL.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #土田酒造 #土田 #tsuchida99 #甘酸 #dericioussakeclub #tsuchidabrewery #tsuchida99 #sweetnessandsourness #Tsuchida99Day
