[飲みたい新着酒 #019:「悦凱陣 純米酒 酒米違い」をいただく]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.


悦凱陣 飲み比べ

温帯気候だった日本が亜熱帯になると何が起こるでしょうか? 正解は春と秋が短くなる、そうです。自称飲み手代表の今井です。




What happens when Japan, which used to have a temperate climate, becomes subtropical? The correct answer is that spring and autumn are shorter. My name is Imai and I am a self-proclaimed drinking representative.

I think that the Yorokobi-gaijin that I will introduce this time will be an irresistible drinking comparison for those who like it. Even if you like Japanese sake, I think this is a drinking comparison that will satisfy your curiosity.

All the differences are written on the label. I think it was created with the premise of comparing drinks.

There are three types to compare: Ooseto rice, Akaiwa Omachi, and Sanshu Omachi. The flavor of the rice is different. It may be said that the brewing method is different.

This time, I would like to introduce you to this drinking comparison to satisfy your intellectual curiosity. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #丸尾本店 #悦凱陣 #山廃仕込 #yorokobigaijin #dericioussakeclub #maruohontenbrewery #yamahai #ooseto #akaiwaomachi #sanshuomachi
