[飲みたい新着酒 #022:山本 ど辛 純米酒 セクスィー山本酵母]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

東日本の酸のマジシャン山本が醸す辛口酒「山本 ど辛」

山本 ど辛 純米酒 セクスィー山本酵母


正しい酒名は「山本 ど辛 純米酒 セクスィー山本酵母」と言います。「セクシー」だった名称をゆきの美人の小林さんに「セクスィー」が良いのではないかと言われて改名。いまや、「ど辛」のみならず、「セクスィー酵母」が使われた「山本酒」の表記は「セクスィー山本酵母」に統一されています。




I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed drinker representative, and I wonder what I would have done if I didn’t enjoy sake.

The correct name of the sake is “Yamamoto Dokara Junmaishu SEXIY Yamamoto Yeast”. She changed her name from “Sexy” to Ms. Kobayashi of “Yuki no Bijin” who suggested that “SEXIY” might be better. Nowadays, “Yamamoto Sake” that uses “Sexy Yeast” as well as “Dokara” is standardized to “SEXIY Yamamoto Yeast”.

What’s sexy about it? The taste is sweet, but when you swallow it, it’s almost dry. Maybe this way of turning your heel is “SEXIY”.

Be careful if you try it for the first time. It’s best not to think lightly, “I like dry sake, so it’s okay!”. I’m surprised that Godzilla, who was supposed to be dead, has come back to life. It has that much of an impact.

There are various dry flavors, but the sake level is +15. It’s not an amazing number, but it’s definitely a surprising drinking experience.

Please take this opportunity to try it out.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #山本ど辛 #セクスィー山本酵母 #ぎんさん米 #山本酒造店 #dericioussakeclub #yamamoto #yamamotobrewery # #SEXIYYamamotoYeast #SMVplus15
