[飲みたい新着酒 #055:竹葉 純米吟醸 五百万石 岡崎酒造醸造版]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

竹葉+信州亀齢の「竹葉 純米吟醸 五百万石 岡崎酒造版」

竹葉 五百万石 純米吟醸 岡崎酒造版









I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed representative drinker who leaves the decision to dehumidify during the rainy season to the keyboard of my PC. How about you?

The second installment of the “Noto Peninsula Earthquake Reconstruction Joint Brewing Project” is also being held on Makuake. The scars of the Noto Peninsula earthquake are not over yet. We would like to continue doing what we can. Please help us if you are interested.

Kazuma Kaichiro of Kazuma Sake Brewery, who brews Chikuha, and Okazaki Kenichi of Okazaki Sake Brewery, who brews Shinshu Kamei, met when they sat next to each other at a seminar held by the Liquor Research Institute.

Since then, their friendship has deepened, leading to this incident. There is a 12-year age difference. It is undeniable that Okazaki, who took a detour to participate in sake brewing, was connected to the passionate Kazuma.

In this kind of relationship, Shinshu Kamei brewed Kazuma Sake Brewery’s Chikuha using the specifications as a guide.

I was pleasantly surprised by the bamboo leaves made by Yoshida Sake Brewery in Tedorigawa by pressing the mash from the bamboo leaves. I ordered some this time with the thought that something similar might happen. Why not join us and try it to see what it tastes like?

We look forward to your curiosity about sake.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #竹葉 #信州亀齢 #委託醸造 #能登半島地震 #数馬酒造 #岡崎酒造 #notopeninsula #notoearthquake #dericioussakeclub #chikuha #shinshu_kirei #nagano_sake
