[飲みたい新着酒 #057:シン・ツチダ 活性にごり生]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

野生酵母、初の生「シン・ツチダ 活性にごり生」

シン・ツチダ 活性にごり生






土田酒造(Tsuchida Brewery)
シン・ツチダ 活性にごり生(Shin Tsuchida Active Nigori Raw)

Curiosity about sake is important. I am Imai, a self-proclaimed representative drinker whose curiosity has gotten out of hand.
Previously, he would tell us about the process of trial and error under the name of the “Test Brewing Series”. The result of this, “Shin Tsuchida”, seems to be an unfinished work in a sense.
However, that is only from the perspective of the brewery. From the perspective of the drinker, the balance of sweetness and acidity, the repetition reminiscent of ripples, and the clean, sharp aftertaste make it feel like a new era of sake.
Tsuchida Sake Brewery, which brews sake without adding yeast, was able to incorporate strong wild yeast this time, which allowed them to retain the sweetness of the rice. As a result, it has been completed as a sake with a well-balanced flavor.
This is the first nagare sake from Tsuchida Sake Brewery. Only those who try it can know what kind of flavor they can enjoy. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #竹葉 #赤武 #能登を醸す #委託醸造 #能登半島地震 #数馬酒造 #赤武酒造 #notopeninsula #notoearthquake #dericioussakeclub #chikuha #akabu #iwate_sake
