[飲みたい新着酒 #064:笑四季 MONSOON 貴醸酒 古式生酛 山田錦]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

山田錦の良さを軸に甘酸の世界を構築「笑四季 MONSOON」

笑四季 MONSOON 貴醸酒 古式生酛 山田錦版









In Hachioji, autumn creeps in as the sun sets. Are you enjoying some delicious sake tonight? I’m Imai, a self-proclaimed representative sake lover.

I’d like to ask Takeshima-san why he named it “MONSOON,” which evokes passion.

This is Kijoshu, brewed to show “a world of aesthetics spun by sweetness.” There are two types, Ginfubuki rice and Yamada Nishiki rice. This time it’s the Yamada Nishiki version. The label is again drawn by ukiyo-e artist Azuma Manabu.

You can’t call yourself Kijoshu unless you join the Kijoshu Association. The brewing process involves adding sake instead of water during the brewing process, which sharpens the sweetness and acidity. The view of sake that is portrayed this way is astonishing.

So, pineapple, plum bisio, cheese such as brie or gouda, or conversely, Mimolette aged for about two months would be good. We also pair it with Shine Muscat.

We recommend this as a drink suitable for the long autumn nights. This drink also changes its expression as the temperature rises. If the woman drawn by Azuma Manabu smiles, you have drunk too much.

Take this opportunity to try the taste that will grab your curiosity about sake.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #笑四季酒造 #monsoon #貴醸酒 #山田錦 #東學 #滋賀酒 #dericioussakeclub #emishiki #monsoon #kijoshu #azuma_manabu #emishiki_brewery #shiga_sake
