[飲みたい新着酒 #018:「越の誉 葉月みのり90」とは?]


Sake is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Various kinds of sake arrive according to the season, are drunk, and disappear. When you lose the chance to drink, you will have to wait until next year. Here, we introduce sake that the owner would like you to try.

日本酒の奥深さを教えてくれる「越の誉 90YELLOW」

越の誉 純米 葉月みのり90 新米新酒(90Yellow)



昨年までは「越の誉 純米葉月みのり 新米新酒」だったのですが、今年から「越の誉 90YELLOW(キューマルイエロー)」となりました。


新潟県内でもいち早く収穫された柏崎・刈羽村産『葉月みのり』100%使用。新米のお米そのままの美味しさを味わっていただけるよう、ほとんど米を削らない精米歩合90%で醸した最速級新米新酒。低精白ならではのしっかりと濃厚な味わいと、無濾過生原酒の力強さ、出来たてのほのかなガス感が特徴です。[From website]


The sky is so high that you can feel that it is autumn. My name is Imai and I call myself a representative drinker.

It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen occasionally. What? This is a change in the name of the alcoholic beverage.

Until last year, it was called “Koshi no Homare Junmai Minori Hazuki Shinmai Shinshu”, but from this year it has become “Koshi no Homare 90YELLOW”.

A name is a symbol, something like a nickname, so whatever it is, it’s good as long as it’s easy to remember. There are no particular problems.

Made with 100% Minori Hazuki from Kashiwazaki and Kariwa Village, which is one of the earliest harvested grapes in Niigata Prefecture. This is the fastest new rice sake brewed with a 90% rice polishing ratio that does not remove much of the rice so that you can enjoy the deliciousness of new rice as it is. It is characterized by the strong and rich flavor that is unique to low-refined sake, the strength of unfiltered unprocessed sake, and the slight gasiness of freshly brewed sake. [From website]

Its charm is sweet and sour. It has become much riper than last year, and the balance is outstanding. It’s so delicious that you’ll get addicted to it.

In the world of sake, it may be a branch. However, this is a bottle where you can learn the depth of sake. Please take this opportunity to try it.

#おいしい酒倶楽部 #原酒造 #越の誉 #90yellow #koshinohomare #dericioussakeclub #harabrewery #niigatasake #Ricepolishingratio90% #hatsukiminori #newsake
